Friday, June 8, 2018

To Cross the Bridge download .pdf by John Wesley Erbentraut

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I wrote this book in 2009; it is 2018 now. I was hesitant about publishing it when it was completed some nine years ago. It was my first stab at writing and it shows. However, the strengths of this book clearly outweigh the few unimportant weaknesses. Now that I have written eight books since then, I can clearly see how I have improved as a writer. However, my message is still the same. It is faith in Christ and Him alone. I picked up the original manuscript about a week ago and read it for the first time since it’s completion in 2009. I was spiritually moved, as was my wife Cynthia as well. It is time that I share these thoughts with the world. Therefore, with very little editing and corrections I am publishing this book. I have left it pretty much the way it was originally written, with some very minor deletions and amendments to the original manuscript. I sincerely pray that it brings a blessing into your heart as you cross your bridge for the Lord. John Wesley Erbentraut 4/19/2018
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